Archive for August, 2015

Surviving_Evacuation4I’ve previous reviewed books in this series, having already read and reviewed book 1-3.

These latest book books have some new and some old characters in it. Book 4 starts with a new lead character, Nilda. When the evacuation is announced she decides to stay in her small town with her son.

The start of this book would feel a little rushed and a little glossed over if you hadn’t read the previous books. There’s not a lot of depth and detail around the events leading up to the evacuation but as part of a series I guess that doesn’t matter too much. I think you could also read this as a standalone book too.

Survivng_Evacuation5It’s a really good book with likeable characters and enough depth to the main characters. It features mainly on Nilda and along the way she meets up with a few characters from the other books in the series. You feel that Nilda is believable in her thoughts and actions and that the resources available to her are believable. Too many books I have read, have main characters that just happen to have a bazooka in their back garden! Book 5 follows on nicely where 4 leaves off. I won’t do any spoilers, but as the title suggests, there is a reunion. The newer characters from book 4 meet up and so do some from the previous books as they move towards London.

I really like this series. I like the fact that it’s set in the UK which makes it completely different from the multitude of zombie apocalypse books set in North America. There’s a more claustrophobic feel and it’s not all gung-ho guns!

I’ve just spotted that book 6 is now out, so I’d better crack on with reading my current book and get it downloaded onto my Kindle!